Put Some Gay In Your Day, Dallas!

Well Let me Say This About That


Do you wonder about things that perhaps no else is wondering about? For example, I recently saw a commercial for Volkswagen with Willie Nelson singing “On the Road Again” and driving a yellow VW convertible. I wondered if he was given a drug test before they let him drive. And I wonder about this “basket” thing. Why did Hillary Clinton […]

Attention Deficit Disorder

Sometimes, it is challenging to maintain focus, even when you’re all grown up and don’t have ADHD. Maybe it’s just ADD, because hyperactivity requires too much energy. Last week, I was all prepared to write about those nude Donald Trump statues that popped up in various American cities. Of course, someone had to point out that the humor in this […]

Trash Talk

There is no doubt about it. Presidential elections bring out the worst in some people. Even with my commitment not to fight with anyone in the state of Texas over this election—remember Texas is red and is going to stay red, for the time being*—I managed to get myself into a bar room brawl over this election.   Granted it […]

Well, Did You Evah?

I think I have heard and seen the word “unprecedented” more times in the last few days than I have since 9/11. But here we are, back in uncharted waters. And I am not in the mood for a remake of “The River Wild”…even if Meryl could play it again (which she can’t) and even if Kim Kardashian played the […]

Well, Let Me Say This About That DNC Day 2

Miss Craig McCartney reports from the Democratic National Convention on day two, which was full of fun and history! Some folks were full of something else…ENJOY!

What’s Good Enough For Melania

It still surprises me how gullible I can be at this relatively late stage in life. Watching Melania Trump give her speech Monday night at the Republican National Convention (not in person, but that’s a different story), I admit to rooting inwardly for the beautiful lady with the charming accent. It was so endearing to hear her speak of the […]

(Almost) Everything Old Is New Again

Times change and the English language moves forward. New words come into the vernacular—texting and its trashy cousin sexting, bougie, and some others that you know and I don’t. Old words get new meanings—think of “shade” (and the throwing of it) meaning essentially what “dis” meant when it was a new word not that long ago. Personally I try to […]

Clutch Pearls

Well, it is official. I’ve now heard from friends in all three political camps that they will be holding their noses and voting for either Secretary Clinton or Mr. Trump. And, since this is 2016, that doesn’t mean that I talked to them in all cases…just that they’ve posted their dissatisfaction on Facebook. There are Democrats who supported Senator Sanders […]