Put Some Gay In Your Day, Dallas!

More Trans Parentsy

The transgender revolution is getting real.

As in reality-show real.

Between Amazon’s Transparent series and some little-reported-on Caitlyn Jenner story, transgender issues are finally seeing the mainstream light of day. It’s an exciting time for everyone in the LGBT community whenever positive discussion is sparked and there’s plenty of that happening around the world.

Before Cait’s reality show debuts on July 26, another series airs tonight with a transitioning story shown from the kids’ perspective.


Becoming Us focuses on Ben, a teenager whose dad is transitioning into a woman. His girlfriend, Danielle, also has a transgender father.

We caught the first episode and it’s enlightening, engrossing and thoroughly entertaining. It’s treated with seriousness, but is also most relatable in its lighthearted moments. A two-family bra-shopping excursion is one of the highlights, awkward and endearing all at once.

It’s wonderful to see a show like this on ABC Family, exposing the masses to people who are at their cores just like everybody else.

Becoming Us
Premieres tonight on ABC Family
