Put Some Gay In Your Day, Dallas!

The Other Little Blue Pill

Sex. Sex. Sex.

Just saying the word makes us smile. Even more so now that we’ve taken an active step in significantly reducing the risk of HIV.

But Truvada (PrEP) can be outrageously expensive. Hell, when our doctor’s office accidentally called in our prescription to a Walmart pharmacy by mistake, we got a phone call from the pharmacist wanting our approval for the $3000 one-month prescription. We almost needed another prescription for heart medication after that.

Luckily our doctor’s office provided a card from the drug’s manufacturer that covers the cost of the pills. Of course, we still have to pay for office visits and bloodwork every three months, which takes a bit more out of our pocket than we’d like.

But there’s help in North Texas from a place called, well, HELP. If you haven’t heard of it, here’s the scoop: The Health Education Learning Project offers a 100-percent free PrEP program. Visits to a practitioner, lab work, and getting the prescription filled are all included. Simply fill out this form as a first step.

Sure, driving to Arlington or Fort Worth might not be the most convenient for everyone reading this, but time is a small price to pay for peace of mind.

So we can all focus more on finding a piece of something else.

HELP Center PrEP Program
Arlington Center
200 East Division Street, Arlington
Monday to Thursday: Noon to 8:00 p.m.

Fort Worth Center
1717 South Main Street, Fort Worth
Tuesday: 5 to 9:00 p.m.
Saturday: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.