Put Some Gay In Your Day, Dallas!

Who Wants To Pocus This Friday?

One of the most beloved comedies to gain serious street cred in the LGBTQ+ community finally has a sequel.

After nearly 30 years, Hocus Pocus 2 finally has a release date this Friday.

Best of all, you can enjoy it from the comfort of your own sofa. Or hot tub. Or rotating, heart-shaped, vibrating king-size bed.

That’s because instead of theaters this go-around, the second chapter starring Bette Midler, Kathy Najimy and Sarah Jessica Parker will be streaming on Disney+.

And it promises to be more overtly queer this time, too, both in terms of actors and characters. Even drag queens Ginger Minj, Kornbread Jeté and Kahmora Hall have roles!

So if you don’t already have Disney+, sign up today and be ready for the highly anticipated Halloween follow-up you’ve been waiting for.

Just don’t forget to lock up your children.

Or a neighbor’s.

Hocus Pocus 2
Streaming Friday, September 30

photo courtesy of Disney+