Put Some Gay In Your Day, Dallas!


Grape Gardens

Wine, women and song. We’re innately drawn to two of those three. (We’ll let you figure out which one we’re not.) But we can definitely clue you in that the winner in that trio: the glorious, luscious fermented juice of the grape. That’s why we’re smiling wide with purple teeth in anticipation of Gay Wine Weekend in Sonoma County, the […]

Mimosas For Change

Two steps forward, three steps back. That’s what it feels like right now with so many states working overtime to find new ways to make LGBT citizens second-class under the law. Texas, of course, is right up there with the worst of them. So there’s never been a more important time to do whatever it takes to fight for equality […]

Steeley Anne

There’s nothing like a great breakup song. In 2010, Anne Steele was covering Britney Spears’ “Toxic” on a fantastic album with classical instrumentation called Strings Attached. But now she’s singing her own words, and in at least one song on her new What’s Mine EP, they’re pretty toxic, too. In an album filled with dance tracks and gay anthems, the […]

Ain’t No Balcony Seat High Enough

Being gay is about more than who we have sex with. It’s a culture, too. One of the most important parts of our history is the music that has provided the soundtrack to LGBT life from the Stonewall riots to Sunday night’s Oscars. Young or old, there are a few essentials that are not just required listening, but mandatory live-performance […]

Go On A Gender Bender

Growing up with Sesame Street and having a then-unexplainable attraction to Bob Johnson (and a little bit of a crush on Ernie), we feel like we’ve come full-circle with PBS. Because they’re launching a new digital series called First Person that’s all about sexuality and gender identity (something we don’t think the Muppets have sung about yet). Hosted by Kristin […]

No Ifs, Just Butts

It takes a lot these days to get our attention with a crowdfunding campaign. A lot. We get pitched at least one a day and few ever make the cut for an actual story. Then again, we’ve never been pitched one before where the top contribution amount comes with a little PG-rated nudity. That’s right, for a $25,000 donation to […]

She’s Having Nun Of It

Anyone who’s been to our house knows our obsession with nuns. From our cast-iron nun bottle openers to our wind-up fire-breathing Nunzilla, let’s just say our irreverent fondness would get us slapped on the wrist with a ruler. So when we received a copy of a story about a sister discovering that she was actually gay, we knew we had […]

Designing Whimmin’

You know those little 391-square-foot “complete home” displays at IKEA? We could never live in a space that small. Sorry, New York friends. It’s the truth. Our storage unit filled with old costumes, Christmas decorations and off-season clothing is almost that big. Besides, a small house or apartment means less room for accessorizing and showcasing our incredible level of taste. […]

Get Sneaky

In this heat, it’s hard enough to fathom wearing more than shorts and a T-shirt, let alone a full-on tuxedo. Thankfully, you can keep that formal wear in storage a little longer because you have nearly four months until the 33rd Annual Black Tie Dinner on November 15. But this Thursday, catch a sneak peek of the biggest LGBT event […]

On A Role

The world isn’t black and white. Well, unless you’re Dorothy in the first part of The Wizard of Oz. But that’s a rare exception. While we personally identify as 100% male and 100% flaaaaaming gay, not everyone is so easily categorized. Or stereotyped. We know we’re guilty of not knowing when to use he vs. she vs. entirely neutral classifications […]